
With the COVID-19 pandemic putting many people’s careers on hold, now has never been a better time to start that business that you always dreamed about. If you’re furloughed, you probably have bucket-loads more time on your hands- which gives you the perfect opportunity to start some serious planning for your new business.

In this new age of technology, ecommerce businesses are thriving more than ever in 2021, and having your own online store can be one of the easiest way to make big money. To build your online shop, all you need is a domain name, hosting website and ecommerce web builder. You can build your own basic website for free, or pay just a small fee for somebody to do it for you. 

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Many ecommerce businesses end up being a success, while others flop. It’s all about knowing your audience, and what people are currently most interested in in this moment in time. Here are just some ideas for ecommerce businesses that you can start from your own home:

Create An Online Fashion Store

You don’t have to be a fashion designer to sell clothes online- though an interest in fashion helps. There are hundreds of clothing wholesalers who will sell their pieces in bulk for cheap, so all you have to do is choose the items that you think are going to sell best on your website and make the purchase.

The clothing will then usually arrive at your door, and it’s your responsibility to ship it off to your customers’ address. Occasionally, a wholesaler will provide drop shipping as an option- where the products are sent straight from their factory to your customer with you acting as the middle man- but not many places are currently offering this.

Provide Snacks Or Baked Goods

If lockdown has given you a flare for baking, then why not make some profit out of your baked goods by creating an online store? Dessert stores selling mouth-watering options like brownies and cookies always tend to do well, but in a saturated market, you must make sure you’re standing out from the crowd.

To keep your products fresh and branded, you might want to consider investing in some wrappers or packaging, such as tape solutions from Essentra. Essentra offers all different types of easy open packaging, from Tear tape to Re:Close, which they can offer personalised with your branding to make your products appear instantly recognisable. Using your own packaging is a great way to become more established as an online business. 

Offer Online Educational Courses

Whether you can speak another language, have a degree in history or are a talented piano player, there is always a course that people are looking to learn on the internet. Why not share your knowledge by creating online educational courses that people can pay to learn from?

If you don’t have any special talents yourself, you could create your website as a platform for entrepreneurs and teachers to create and sell courses to people, with you taking a certain percentage of the sale’s fee for yourself. 

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