When you are the owner of a retail store, you have a number of weighty responsibilities on your shoulders. Not only do you need to oversee the financial and logistical aspects of running your business, but you also need to ensure that your employees and your customers are kept safe at all times.
A retail store may not seem like an inherently unsafe place to work, but the truth is that there is always a danger of fire, or of someone having an accident, as well as the ever-present risk of crime. As the owner of the store, it is your legal and moral duty to put preventative measures in place to keep everyone in your shop as safe as possible.
To help you achieve this goal, read on for some must-have health and safety tips that will give you the best chance of protecting your staff and customers, as well as the shop itself.
Focus On Fire Safety
Fire is arguably one of the most terrifying risks that any business can face, even if you don’t think you have many potential fire hazards on your premises. Sometimes, a seemingly innocuous activity or piece of equipment can spark a blaze, from irons being left unattended, to a fault with your store’s wiring, or some flammable materials being placed a little too close to a light fixture.
Because fires pose such a serious threat to both life and property, it’s vital that you take steps to protect both your investment and everyone inside your store. For example, you need to have clearly marked and easily accessible fire exits, which must be kept clear at all times. Fire blankets and extinguishers should also be readily available.
You should also invest in fire stopping equipment, such as the products provided by LFS Fire Solutions & Maintenance. LFS can not only supply you with the products, but they can also install them to make sure they are correctly in place to provide optimal levels of protection against fire. Having fire stopping measures in place is a legal requirement, so if you don’t already have this equipment, you need to acquire it right away to stay on the right side of the law.
Boost Your Store’s Physical Security
When you own a store, you will always face a certain degree of risk when it comes to the possibility of criminal activity. Whether it’s some teenagers shoplifting for thrills and giggles, or more serious pre-meditated burglary or theft, it’s important to take precautions against the threat of crime.
Having CCTV installed to monitor both the interior and exterior of your shop is a good idea, and you should also install security alarms to protect your investment at night when no one is in the shop. If your store specialises in clothing, you can also make sure that the garments are fitted with security tags that will alert your staff if someone tries to sneak out without paying.
Finally, if your store is particularly large and you want to boost your security levels, it’s worth hiring a security professional to man the doors during opening hours and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity.
Safeguarding Your Staff
As the store owner, it’s your duty to make sure that your employees work in a safe environment – a responsibility that has become even more significant since the onset of the pandemic. While we may all have grown accustomed to living with Covid-19, it’s still important to do what you can to lower the risk of your staff contracting the virus – for example, placing hand sanitiser around the store.
You also need to ensure that staff are properly trained for the work they are being asked to carry out, and that they’re physically capable of doing it.
For example, if you have asked a petite member of staff to move and stack heavy boxes, they are more likely to struggle than someone physically taller and more robust. Assigning the best person for the role will help to prevent any accidents or workplace injuries. If a particularly demanding task is required, you should also ensure that no one has to do it by themselves.
When it comes to moving around heavy objects, check that your staff members know how to do manual handling responsibly. Using the right lifting and carrying techniques, they can protect themselves against potentially severe injury.
Training should also be provided so that your employees know exactly what to do if a dangerous situation arises; for example, if someone tries to break into the store or steal money or items during business hours. Investing in conflict management training will give them valuable skills which could help to defuse a difficult situation – although, of course, they also need to know who to call in case of emergency, to give them vital support and assistance.
Warding Off Cyber Threats
Lastly, we come to the growing threat of cyber-crime, which affects businesses of all sizes, and across all sectors, including retail. Cyber-attacks come in various forms – from phishing emails to straight-forward hacking and malicious ransomware. Whatever kind of cyber-attack you face, the effects can be detrimental to your business, as they can result in the loss of the sensitive data of both your staff and your customers.
The good news is, there are several things you can do to protect your store from cyber-attacks. Firstly, you can educate your staff on the risks of cyber-crime and teach them how to recognise potential attacks, such a suspicious emails containing strange links or attachments. When it comes to cyber-crime, prevention is definitely better than cure.
Another thing you can do is to boost the security of your devices – for example, by installing antivirus software on work computers, and ensuring that your card system complies with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (also known as PCI DSS). While you can’t entirely guarantee that you won’t fall victim to a cyber-attack, you can definitely reduce your chances by a significant degree.
To Sum Up
Taking on the role of a retail store owner brings with it many tasks and responsibilities. While it may seem overwhelming at times, it’s vital that you do all that you can to protect your store, your staff, and your customers from any potential threats.
Doing so will help to give your business the best possible chance of long-term success and will also provide peace of mind for your employees and consumers.