
Digital agency Organic today announces its appointment by British heritage furniture and interior retailer Habitat, to manage the brand’s SEO.

The news comes following the agency’s appointment by Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd at the beginning of the year. Having worked with Sainsbury’s Argos for nearly five years, Organic’s success in delivering dynamic SEO solutions has led to this further appointment within the Sainsbury’s Argos Group.

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Organic will develop the brand’s SEO capabilities by empowering the Habitat team to help drive SEO success by putting it at the centre of ecommerce, alongside providing best-in-class recommendations and support to achieve Sainsbury’s Natural Search objectives.

Ben Scoggins, Managing Director at Organic says: “This appointment is another great step in growing our relationship with the Sainsbury’s Argos team. We’ve already kicked the year off working with Sainsburys Supermarkets Ltd, so are excited to begin with Habitat and see where we can go next!”

Dan Patmore, Senior Group SEO Manager at Sainsbury’s adds: “We are looking forward to continuing to bolster our SEO capabilities with Organic. Having worked with the agency since 2016, they have continued to show their expertise in this area. It’s an exciting time for the brand!”

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