
When students have to write a lot of essays, they usually sulk like little children because, in their opinion, it’s boring, difficult, and takes a lot of time that could be spent on something else, for example, going out with friends, watching something or playing video games. That is why sometimes students prefer to buy terms paper online or any other essay they have to write during their studies and not think about it anymore. But if you write everything yourself, you can think of the fact that even though writing essays might seem boring, it has a positive impact on us. In this article, we have collected the impact on our brains. So read and consider the pros of doing your home task yourself.

Makes your memory better.

They all say that if you can’t remember something, you have to write it down several times, and it will be kept inside your memory then. While doing research for your paperwork, all the students read a lot of information on the topic. When you process this information, write it down to use in your essay, and re-writing it while doing the proofreading, your brain finds it considerably easier to remember it than just by reading. And a good memory is one of the essential qualities for any student and will be very appreciated in your future job. 

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Writing helps you to relax.

If you are not in a hurry and you don’t have to write five essays in a day and a half, then writing can sometimes be relaxing and is one of the greatest ways to get rid of stress and anxiety. Any creative process is a source of positive emotions for us and the hormone of happiness to our brain. If the topic of an essay is meaningful for you, then being able to express and share your opinion about it will help the student to feel more confident, especially if the opinion of the professor is important to them and coincide with the opinion of the student.  

Improves your time management skills.

Nothing can make you more organized than the necessity to write some essays. And it is understandable. When you have to write paperwork, especially if it is not just one text but several, it will teach you to find the required time; it will teach you not to procrastinate and to evaluate your abilities in order to understand how much time you need for this or that task.     

When writing a lot, you will have better communication skills.

You might be surprised, but writing improves not only your writing skills, but it also makes you talk better. Many students use special programs to make an essay grammatically correct. So, when checking your text, for example, by Grammarly, you analyze and remember where you have to put commas or when it’s better to use some particular word or word expression instead of some other. Plus, it helps to improve your style of writing. And as a consequence, when you write correctly, you speak and express your thoughts better.  


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