
Getting to Know Fashion Influencers

When it comes to influencer marketing, there is no denying the power that the fashion industry has. In 2018, Fashion was the top industry to partner with influencers, behind Lifestyle.

Fashion influencers help brands with their *fashionista* credibility. If a true style icon is promoting a specific product, on instagram, it boosts notoriety and desire amongst style seekers. These influencers range from small micro influencers with 500 followers, to celebrities with over 1M+ followers. No matter the size, brands have found new and unique ways to leverage these influencers and connect with their special fan base.

Instagram and Fashion Influencers

Before Instagram was the Instagram we know it to be, Fashion Influencers were Fashion Bloggers. That’s right kids, back in the day we had to go to independent websites and receive content from a single influencer. It was rough. But, in 2010 Instagram was launched, and it was a game changer for Fashion Bloggers.

The bread and butter of a Fashion content creator is images, and Instagram is the perfect platform to share a quick preview of deeper content that can be found on a blog. TLDR; the instagram to blog flow worked, Fashion influencers took off, and brands took notice.

Today, Fashion influencers are some of the highest paid influencers in the industry. In our recent report on influencer pricing we discovered that fashion influencers average $549. We wanted to break down our findings a little further. Since Instagram is the leading platform for fashion influencers, we wanted to to uncover pricing rates and trends on the Gram.

Fashion Influencer Rates on Instagram

Like most major content platforms, pricing on Instagram remains on trend with the rest of the industry. Presently stories are the least expensive content format for fashion influencers, prices average at ($135) a story. Picture posts are priced around $432, while videos can cost around $827.

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Video is often the most expensive content format as it can be time extensive to produce and often requires extra equipment. Additionally, video content can be divided into two formats, short videos (under 15 min)  and long videos (15 min +). The length of a requested video can impact the price.

Where are The Most Expensive Fashion Influencers?

If brands are looking to collaborate with French Fashionistas they are going to have to pay the price. The fashion capital of the world is the most expensive region for Fashion influencers, costing on averaging $758 a post, 33% more than Switzerland, the second most expensive country.

Fashion Influencer Rates: Region

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In general, the US is home to some of the most expensive influencers, but when looking specifically at Fashion the United States is third. Each influencer category has its own trends, and it is important not to generalize when entering the negotiation process.

A Growing Industry!

Fashion influencers have been posting on instagram for nearly a decade, and there’s no sign that they’re going anywhere anytime soon. The influencer industry continues to grow, with sponsored content from Fashion influencers increasing by 95% from 2018 to 2019.

Growth Of #ad Fashion Content

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Download The Instagram Fashion Influencer Pricing Report

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