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A statement from Reed Exhibitions, organisers of RetailEXPO  After monitoring the evolving situation around COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, we have made the decision to cancel RetailEXPO 2020, scheduled to take place from April 29+30 in Olympia, London. Having considered all options and given the rapidly changing environment, rescheduling for later this year is no longer feasible and so this is the best course...
Don’t be fooled into thinking that conventional tech team processes will help you find all the online glitches that are losing your ecommerce operation sales. In fact, only a third of all the bugs that sap sales figures can be found that way. The other two major sources of problems that hurt your business – hidden bugs and bugs in...
Company benefits have become quite topical recently. There are many companies that offer unlimited holidays, shorter working hours and the opportunity to work from home. But are these beneficial for the business? Impact International, experts in transformational leadership investigate… Unlimited holidays This perk sounds like an attractive one to many employees. If your company offered this benefit, there would...
In 2020, it’s no surprise that a brand must do more than simply sell a product. Each company needs to go above and beyond to retain customers and establish its place as a market leader — involvement with wider political matters is a big part of this effort. When brand ethics shine through, customers will appreciate the company’s commitment...
Wildly unconventional benefits and perks have surfaced over the last few years, with research estimating that increasing happiness can boost productivity by around 12 per cent, showing the benefits of focus. Let’s be honest, it’s hard to feel motivated when you’re at work. For most people, having a job is a necessity rather than a choice, and the best that...
A recent study by Shape-the-Future involving 400 business decision makers revealed an astonishing 82% of those taking part admitted to being influenced by awards when buying products and services for their business.  Of these 400, 76% agreed with the statement “Awards are important for generating business or improving the value of a brand”. Winning a business award provides a credible...
Being able to accurately predict the future is understandably fraught with difficulty: the Danish physicist Niels Bohr arguably summed it up perfectly when he said, “predictions are hazardous, especially about the future". However, as we look forward to what the next 12 months have in store, one thing looks set to be a safe bet: that 2020 will be...
Klarna, the global payments and shopping provider, has today announced its latest figures showing sustained growth both in the UK and globally. The year on year global volumes and revenue increased by 32% and 31% respectively while the volume processed now amounts to over USD 35 billion. Since launch, over 7 million customers have now used Klarna in the UK,...
When we’re looking for outfit, holiday or home inspiration, Instagram, Pinterest and other social sites are usually the first point of call. Arguably, influencers hold some of the biggest power for setting and pushing trends today. Department stores are partnering with bloggers to promote their stores, and a whopping 91% of millennials trust online reviews as much as recommendations...
Today’s consumer is armed with a smartphone in hand, and it’s their go-to resource for information on the products and services they need. Nearly half of all Google queries today are ‘near me’ searches for products and services in the local area, and as a result, the rules of customer engagement have radically changed. In this new commercial landscape, consumers...


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