
It is no secret that all workplaces should maintain a high level of hygiene for both employees and visitors. Hygiene is hugely important in all workplaces as it helps to contribute to a healthy workforce. 

There are some steps that your business should be taking in order to maintain an excellent level of hygiene in the workplace. Here are four of those essential steps. 

man using hand sanitiser gel in restaurant 2021 04 06 04 47 05 utc
Man using hand sanitiser gel 

Implement A Policy

Maintaining good hygiene in the workplace is not just down to the business owner. It also relies heavily on staff to respect their surroundings and comply with expectations. Implementing a hygiene policy helps outline what is expected of employees regarding cleanliness in the workplace. It helps let your staff know that workplace hygiene should be placed of high importance. 

Provide Sanitising Stations

Since the emergence of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the use of hand sanitisers has increased dramatically. To ensure your employees and customers are keeping their hands clean, it has now never been easier to get a free-standing hand sanitiser station. Essential Hygiene can supply your workplace with commercial free-standing hand sanitising stations to help offer a high level of cleanliness in your building.  

Provide Cleaning Equipment

If you want your staff to maintain a clean workplace then you will need to ensure that you have supplied them with the correct equipment to do so. Surface sprays and wipes can help encourage staff to clean their desks/work surfaces and can help eliminate the need for any excuses as to why it was not done. 

Staff should be encouraged to regularly clean down their work surfaces to ensure standards are being met. Any bathroom and kitchen facilities should also be well stocked with paper towel, soap, disinfectant. 

Allow Sick Days

Calling in sick can often be frowned upon in the workplace. However, you should make a conscious effort to move away from this stigma and if an employee is unwell then they need to be sent home. Keeping a person in work who is showing signs of an illness can spread quickly to other members in the workplace and before you know it there are multiple staff members off at one time which can be hugely counter-productive. 

Check out this article which highlights an employee’s sickness rights at work. It can help give you a clearer idea on the process and what you can do to help sick employees. The quicker you can identify an illness in the workplace, the better. 

By following these four simple steps you can help maintain a high level of hygiene in the workplace for both you and your visitors. Not only can healthy employees help boost productivity, but it also shows others that you respect your premises and helps set an example that encourages others to follow. 

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