Landlords lose legal battle against New Look restructuring deal
Landlords of New Look stores have lost their legal battle against the fashion chain’s major restructuring plan.
The High Court ruled against a group of...
Superdry sees ‘light at end of the tunnel’ as sales growth returns
Superdry has said it can “clearly see the light at the end of the tunnel” as it returned to sales growth amid the reopening...
Next hikes profit targets as high street reopenings spark sales bounce
Fashion giant Next has lifted its profit targets for the year after recent sales bounced above expectations.
The high street firm said it reported £75...
Issa brothers set to sell petrol stations to help secure Asda takeover approval
The billionaire brothers buying Asda have proposed selling 27 of their current petrol station sites in a bid to get the £6.8 billion takeover...
Boohoo hails ‘early rewards’ from Debenhams and Arcadia rescue deals
Boohoo has said it is seeing “early rewards” after snapping up Debenhams and three Arcadia brands in rescue deals as it unveiled strong trading...
Online shopping surge boost cardboard box maker Smurfit Kappa
The price of cardboard packaging has shot up in recent months as people turned to online shopping, boosting box makers like Smurfit Kappa, the...
‘Boom time for Boohoo’ as online retailer to unveil soaring lockdown sales
Boohoo is expected to reveal a surge in sales as house-bound shoppers swapped dresses for jogging bottoms.
The online retailer will also unveil the initial...
Mike Ashley launches £60m shares spending spree despite Covid woes
Mike Ashley’s Frasers Group has announced plans to spend £60 million between now and and July despite warning less than a month ago that...
Empty shops surge across UK in first three months of 2021
Empty shop fronts soared higher across UK shopping destinations in the first three months of the year, according to new figures.
The latest BRC-LDC shop...
WH Smith set to open 100 new travel shops after £325m cash boost
WH Smith has said it plans to open 100 new travel stores after securing £325 million in financing to fund its growth plans.
The high...