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How is Augmented reality and Virtual reality transforming the retail industry?

Virtual reality systems are constantly changing, helped by the digital age which is also progressing quickly. Most well-known retail companies use different types of...

High street hackers: how to tackle cybercrime in the retail sector

The internet has transformed the way we live our lives in so many areas. But perhaps one of the biggest changes has come in...

5 Tech Trends Shaping The Future of Retail

New technologies, changing shopping habits and the threat of disruptive competitors like Amazon, are some of the aspects forcing a paradigm shift that is...

Four strategies to keep your CX programme on track in 2020

All retail businesses understand that an improved customer experience is worth the investment, and there’s no doubt that creating greater customer loyalty drives revenue...

Waste Not, Want Not: Boosting the Lifespan of Your Garments

We are undoubtedly living in a throwaway culture, with garment lifespans at an all-time low. According to research, the average lifespan of a garment...

Revealed: Three key strategies for peak trading 2019 and how you can prepare

Peak trading season 2019 is almost upon us, with online retailers putting the finishing touches to their sales game plan. The big question on...

FACT-Finder is Named #1 Best Site Search Solution

Demand for site search is growing due the increasing use of digital sales channels both by retailers and consumers. In 2018, the percentage of...

Black Friday and Cyber Monday – Is your Wholesale or Retail business ready?

Black Friday and Cyber Monday is infamous for its frenzied scenes, of smash and grab deals, where in the past you would have witnessed...

NEC launches new range of Direct View LED solutions to revolutionise the way you...

NEC Display Solutions Europe today announced two new ranges of Direct View LED screens that will enable any business to deploy high-resolution, dynamic content...

What is your duty of care for Skip Hire?

No matter whether you’re a homeowner or businessman, we’re all responsible for the waste we produce and how we dispose of it. But just...