Currys, has announced that it is trialling sales of refurbished technology on its website.
As more Britons become environmentally conscious and face financial pressures, Currys has responded by introducing a trial of cheaper, pre-owned mobiles, laptops, and Chromebooks on its website. Since the trial’s launch in November 2022, sales of second-hand items have surged, with 80% of refurbished product lines selling out within the first week. Refurbished laptops have been particularly in demand, with one in ten online users searching for laptops organically by browsing refurbished listings.

Currys boasts Europe’s largest tech repair centre in Newark, restoring and repackaging 600,000 individual tech items in the last year, with a proportion then available for resale on Unlike many other refurbished tech retailers, Currys provides product support both online and in-store, offering customers extra peace of mind when buying pre-owned.
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Previously, only items graded as “excellent” condition were available, but now “very good” and “fair” items are also on offer at even lower price-points, all with a 12-month technical guarantee. The range of payment options available on all items is the same as when purchasing new products, including “buy now, pay later” options.
Mandeep Gobindpuri, Head of Development – Circular Economy, Currys, said, “Buying refurbished saves customers money and saves good tech from landfill. This trial is a win for customers, and a win for the planet.” Currys’ “Long Live Your Tech” campaign helps customers make informed environmental decisions when buying and disposing of technology. The UK produces the second-highest amount of e-waste per capita in the world, and the initiative addresses this challenge.
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