
Integrated Systems Europe (ISE2023) is set to be the largest trade show for professional AV and electronic systems integration in the world, providing retail professionals with access to the latest technology and innovations in the industry. The show, which is set to take place in Barcelona, promises to be a valuable opportunity for retail professionals to stay ahead of the curve and incorporate cutting-edge solutions into their designs.

Furthermore, ISE offers a unique opportunity for retail professionals to network and collaborate with other professionals in the field. The show attracts a diverse range of attendees, including manufacturers, distributors, integrators, and consultants, all of whom can offer valuable insights and perspectives on the latest trends and best practices in retail technology.

integrated systems europe

With over 900 exhibitors set to participate, the show will showcase the latest and greatest in technology and solutions, with around 120 first-time participants taking up 3,630sqm of floorspace at the Fira in Barcelona and showcasing a diverse range of innovative products and solutions.

This year’s ISE trade show promises to be an unmissable event for retail professionals looking to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving industry. With a wide range of educational opportunities, including seminars, workshops, and keynote speeches, the show will provide professionals with the chance to stay informed about industry developments and gain new skills.

Access to ISE 2023 is only possible through the app, and all attendees must download the app to receive their personal digital entry voucher. This voucher will need to be scanned on a mobile device upon entry to the Fira venue. Once inside, attendees must present their digital entry voucher at one of the desks to receive a printed show badge.

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ISE 2023 Conference Programme

The ISE Conference Programme for 2023 has been announced and it promises to be an insightful and thought-provoking event for business leaders, innovators, and technology pioneers in the AV and integrated systems sector. The conference will feature an extensive line-up of events that will tackle some of the most pressing issues, market trends, and inspirational ideas in the industry.

One of the new highlights of the conference is the Smart Home Technology conference produced by CEDIA. This conference will provide deep industry insight and analysis, backed by global organizations that track trends on a daily basis. Additionally, AVIXA will be programming the other conferences and inaugural Tech Talks, to ensure a comprehensive and high-quality conference experience.

The ISE Conference Programme for 2023 will also feature a new venue. The conferences will take place in the modern, purpose-built conference rooms on the upper level of the Fira Gran Via, which will provide an even better attendee experience. This new venue will provide an excellent setting for the conference, enhancing the overall attendee experience.

Attendees can look forward to a comprehensive program that will cover the latest trends and developments in the industry and provide a platform for networking and sharing ideas with other professionals in the AV and integrated systems sector.

Retailers will be particularly interested in the Digital Signage Summit ISE2023, co-produced by invidis and Integrated Systems Events. The summit will take place on Wednesday, February 1st, in CC5.1 and will explore the theme of the Power of Pixels. The conference will feature digital signage experts, thought leaders, and leading technology and service suppliers as they delve into topics such as the role of digital signage in omnichannel retail, green signage, and future trends in the sector.

According to Conference Chair and Managing Director of invidis consulting, Florian Rotberg, the DSS ISE offers a comprehensive overview of the latest trends in digital signage and provides inspiration for how to make the most out of the technology showcased at ISE. He said, “It’s a half-day well spent, with exclusive insights into how to bring the technology showcased at ISE to maximum use.” The Digital Signage Summit ISE is an excellent opportunity for retailers to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the industry and gain valuable insights on how to implement these in their own businesses.

ISE 2023 Keynotes

BK Johannessen, Unreal Engine Business Director for Broadcast and Live Events at Epic Games, has been confirmed as the keynote speaker at Integrated Systems Europe (ISE2023), the world-leading AV and systems integration show taking place at Fira Barcelona Gran Via, 31 Jan – 3 Feb 2023.

BK’s keynote, entitled “All Paths Lead to Real-Time”, takes place at 17:15 on Tuesday 31 January in the Conference Suite CC4.1.  As industry after industry adopts real-time visualisation technology, Johannessen will discuss how content creators are taking innovations from the games industry and applying them to their projects, from cutting-edge, broadcast virtual production studios to real-time graphics for media & entertainment, live events, architecture, and more.

Mike Blackman, Managing Director of Integrated Systems Events, commented: “We are delighted to have secured BK Johannessen as our headline speaker. As audiences, customers and consumers return to something like a normal life, there is an insatiable demand for content on digital signage, live stages, videowalls, experiential art and advertising, and virtual and VR experiences. The work that can be seen all over the world from creators using Unreal Engine is truly extraordinary and we cannot wait to hear more about it. It is a keynote session you do not want to miss – see you there in Barcelona.”

Fran Chuan, CEO and co-creator of Culture Innovation Assessment Platform, InnoQuotient is confirmed as the second keynote speaker at Integrated Systems Europe.

Taking place at 5.15pm on Thursday 2 February, in Conference Suite CC4.1, Fran’s keynote, entitled ‘How innovative is the AV industry?’ will present InnoQuotient survey results collated from registered visitors and exhibitors in the lead up to ISE 2023. The survey endeavours to find out more about the innovative culture of organisations by measuring the maturity of development of their innovation journey. The assessment pinpoints strengths, as well as identifies the gaps to then provide guidance in building and improving an organisation’s culture of innovation.

Integrated Systems Europe, ISE2023, will take place at Fira Barcelona Gran Via, 31 January – 3 February 2023. Registration is now open.

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