
A statement from Reed Exhibitions, organisers of RetailEXPO 

After monitoring the evolving situation around COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, we have made the decision to cancel RetailEXPO 2020, scheduled to take place from April 29+30 in Olympia, London.

Having considered all options and given the rapidly changing environment, rescheduling for later this year is no longer feasible and so this is the best course of action for the retail industry and the communities we serve. It also reflects our desire to give everyone involved as much notice as possible.

The health and safety of our exhibitors, visitors, partners and staff is our number one priority.

We look forward to seeing you all in April 2021. More information will be available soon on the RetailEXPO website. In the meantime, our thoughts are with all those affected by Coronavirus.

If you have any questions please contact our customer service team at [email protected]  or on +44 (0)20 82712108, or get in touch with your usual RetailEXPO contact.


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