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5 Omnichannel Weak Spots Retailers Must Avoid

Retailers operating a multichannel model often find that when they want to evolve into an omnichannel leader, there are multiple barriers to success. In-part...

More than just a smile – reimagining customer service

What picture comes into your mind when you think about customer service (CS)? Here are a few of the classics: A room full of people...

Why brands – from Ralph Lauren to Fairtrade – are using digital asset management

How organised and efficient is your team? Even before the challenges and opportunities posed to the retail sector this year, teams had to manage...

XCCommerce appoints industry veteran Robin Coles as EMEA MD, as it eyes European expansion

XCCommerce, the leading omni-channel promotion solutions provider, today announced the opening of a new office in the United Kingdom, which will become the headquarters...

What Are the Perks of Business Car Leasing?

Business car leasing comes with many advantages to take note of. After all, last September saw the worst sales of cars in a century,...

Keep talking: the new rules of customer conversations

Critizr is Europe’s leading VoC platform. Founded in 2012, it is used by over 80 of Europe’s biggest companies to drive customer obsession and...

How retailers can manage Black Friday in a pandemic

Black Friday is just around the corner and with an ongoing worldwide pandemic and lockdown restrictions in place in various areas of the world,...

Supermarket shopping just became safer with Clipeez™

Belgium based Clics Toys, have designed and manufactured Clipeez™, detachable shopping trolley handles to help protect families in their day-to-day lives from COVID-19. Potentially...

Retail sector must innovate through technology

It’s no secret that the retail sector is struggling in the UK presently. While there are fewer shops open and less in-person shoppers, there...

Peak trading and the opportunity behind unplanned demand

Following the second lockdown announcement, it is clear that we will all have to stop clinging onto the idea of the new or the...