
ITV has announced that eBay will become the new headline sponsor of Love Island when it returns this summer on ITV2 and ITVX. The sponsorship will provide eBay with an opportunity to broaden its reach and appeal amongst the show’s primary audience of 18-34 year olds, showcasing eBay’s offering of pre-loved fashion and driving conversation around fashion circularity.

Last summer, the online marketplace became Love Island’s first ever pre-loved fashion partner, and has since seen over 1400% more searches ‘pre-loved fashion’ on the marketplace during series nine, compared to series eight, as well as a  24% increase in new circular businesses joining the online marketplace so far in 2023.

Image from eBay 3

New research from eBay UK has also noted that one pre-loved item has been sold on the platform every second over the last year, with pre-loved fashion listings being up by almost 20% YoY since the Love Island partnership launched – demonstrating the impact the partnership continues to have on consumer shopping behaviours.

Now in its tenth season, the popular TV show will air on ITV2, with the partnership geared to further encourage viewers to think pre-loved first.

Once again, Amy Bannerman, who now takes an in house role as eBay’s Pre-loved Style Director, will be sourcing fashion from eBay to style series 10’s Islanders. Amy’s key responsibilities will include styling and sourcing for all eBay’s fashion related campaigns, styling for key talent that work with eBay, on site merchandising consultations and acting as a fashion spokesperson for eBay.

Alongside pre-loved clothes, a selection of pre-loved, authenticated sneakers and garments from eBay’s Imperfects range will also be heading to the villa wardrobe.

Eve Williams, General Manager of eBay UK commented: “After being the pre-loved fashion partner for Love Island for the last two series, becoming headline sponsor feels like a natural next step in helping us continue to  encourage more conscious shopping behaviours across the UK. With Love Island on air every night, we hope the incredible eBay outfits in the shared wardrobe will inspire even more people to think pre-loved first”

Simon Daglish, Deputy Managing Director Commercial at ITV said: “It was important for us to find a headline sponsor for Love Island that appeals to the show’s core audience, and with eBay providing the clothes for the villa again this year after proving such a hit success, it really is a perfect match.”

eBay will be running a series of idents during the ad breaks throughout Love Island, including catch-up shows ‘Unseen Bits’ and ‘Aftersun’.

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