
In the world of retail, showrooms often operate behind closed doors, serving as a space for product showcases for third-party retailers and staff training, largely unseen by customers. However, within these walls lies an opportunity — a chance to unlock the hidden potential and transform this showroom into a multipurpose space for video shopping, masterclasses, online events and content creation to reach a brand’s audience across channels.

Stellar, a leading authority in retail design and video shopping, sheds light on this transformative concept. Stellar reveals that repurposing these underutilised spaces into hybrid spaces with video and content production capabilities enables brands to boost their return on investment significantly.

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Stellar explains that the expenses involved in keeping a physical showroom open and staffed are substantial, yet the foot traffic and sales coming through these spaces don’t always justify the costs. By repurposing showrooms brands are able to increase revenue and profitability from their retail spaces, but the question still stands, how?

It’s about making showrooms work harder as multifunctional spaces tailored to meet a brand’s omnichannel retail strategy. This goes beyond just enabling live video shopping to involve masterclasses, online events and content creation optimised for different channels. The transformation makes showrooms truly hybrid spaces that offer brands flexibility in engaging audiences.

Stellar highlights the pivotal role of design in maximising the value and ROI of a showroom. It’s about more than aesthetics. Through collaborative planning and meticulous design execution, Stellar explains how showrooms can evolve into standout spaces. The process involves mapping an optimal design based on brand-specific needs and project scope. This can involve anything from a full reshuffle of the space to adding on studio equipment to existing fixtures. The resulting environment doesn’t just catch the eye; it generates and qualifies leads.

When designing spaces for video shopping, the newly converted studio needs to align with the brand’s essence and personality, keeping in mind the need for optimal lighting, acoustics, backdrops but always advocating for top-tier audio and camera equipment. Stellar says the most successful retail designs blend practical considerations for staff with an enticing allure for customers.

Enchanting spaces that captivate shoppers and drive meaningful connections are achieved through an analytical, results-driven process. Continuously refining designs based on impact against desired objectives allows the next iteration to be even more effective.

When contemplating the conversion of a showroom into a hybrid retail space with video and content production capabilities, Stellar suggests that brands seek out a video shopping partner who can offer guidance on essential considerations and address any technical concerns.

Additionally, they stress the significance of staff training or hiring experts proficient in guiding customers through the video shopping journey. They highlight the need for user-friendly video shopping platforms seamlessly integrated with existing e-commerce solutions. Lastly, they advise brands to continuously collect and analyse customer interaction data within the video shopping studio for ongoing optimisation and improvement.

Analysing customer engagement within retail spaces is key for optimising return on investment, as Stellar emphasises.

The results of taking this data-driven approach speak for themselves. Stellar points to the success of one brand that transformed its retail strategy. Since transitioning its showroom to a video shopping studio guided by engagement analytics, this retailer saw sales spike 110% year-over-year. At the same time, their customer conversion rate increased by 20% alongside a 25% rise in average order value.

The numbers compellingly exhibit the potential of evolving spaces like showrooms based on actionable shopper insights. As customer data reveals how to reduce friction and improve experience, retail environments can become more effective at driving sales growth.

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The concept of video shopping within existing showrooms isn’t merely a trend; it’s a strategic shift in retail dynamics. Stellar’s insights underline the potential to repurpose these spaces, leveraging their existing infrastructure to create immersive video shopping experiences. It’s a paradigm shift that not only maximises ROI but also positions brands at the forefront of customer engagement and sales in the ever-evolving retail landscape.

Anna Brettle Founder & CMO  Stellar Global commented, “Transforming your showroom into a video shopping studio isn’t just a savvy move; it’s a powerful way to reimagine space and drive meaningful returns. By leveraging this existing space for video shopping, brands can elevate their ROI without hefty investments. It’s about maximising every square foot efficiently, turning a traditionally non-consumer-facing area into a bustling hub that not only showcases products but also drives sales directly. It’s a transformation that reshapes how we perceive showrooms and redefines their potential in today’s dynamic retail landscape.”

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