
Episode 4: Is Mainstream Retail Dead?

They really don’t make stores like they used to – but why? For retailers, being “mainstream” has become a problem. From the rise of...

Fast Food Model is the future for Retail Click & Collect

When it comes to click & collect, it appears retailers still have a way to go in providing the optimal experience. According to recent...

Opinion: Poor UK broadband speeds are blocking eCommerce growth

For a nation of online shoppers, the UK is letting eCommerce down by not providing the required infrastructure to boost growth and increase developments...

The rise of artificial intelligence in retail

There have been a number of buzzwords and defining technology trends in retail over the last decade, from Big Data to omni-channel and the...

More evidence that consumers expect technology to change the look of retail

The sight of shoppers gyrating in front of a mirror to see how they look in a coat or dress may be with us...

Millennials and the retail make-over

They have been using technology since their teens and have been privy to (and sometimes responsible for) the very latest digital advances in our...

Retailers can drive their business forward using technology

The world is going digital and if retailers want to stay in business, they need to integrate the best of digital technology into their...

Episode 2: Creating Top Shops

Experience, engagement, emotion, and economics. In our second episode, we conclude the discussion on Stores of the Future 2.0 by attempting to decode what...

New Retail Industry Podcast Launches

The first episode of The Retail Exchange, a new retail podcast series that throws a spotlight on key issues affecting instore performance, with insight...

Use IT to draw customers into your store

When we think of online solutions we think of how they circumnavigate, even undermine the physical high street shopping experience, but there are now...