
The rise of same-day and next day delivery

Same-day delivery is of course a great thing. We would all love to receive the products we ordered online within a few hours. However,...

Capturing the elusive customer at the right moment

Consumers don’t make retailers’ lives easy; they can be fickle, inconsistent with their buying habits and often operate on a ‘one strike and you’re...

Consumers want more tech in-store for greater personalisation

Consumers are disappointed in the current lack of in-store technology available and want a more personalised experience when visiting a physical store, a new...

Delivery convenience proves key for retail conversions

Despite retailers recognising last mile convenience is an increasingly important consideration for online shoppers, many are failing to meet the levels of personalisation and...

ASOS targets lucrative £2.5bn UK sports clothing market

The latest report states that the total UK clothing market will rise by just 2.1% this year, demonstrating the extent to which sportswear is outperforming...

Majority of sales still come from in-store purchases for over half of UK retailers

Research from Qmatic UK Ltd, has revealed that the majority of sales for multi-channel retailers in the UK still come from in-store transactions. According...

Retailers under pressure to revamp their shopping experience as online sales continue to rise

The latest ONS retail sales figures released today show that the volume of online spending increased year-on-year by 15.9% and by 1.8% compared to...

Retailers not committed to providing channel agnostic shopping experiences

Retailers in the UK are determined to keep investing in in-store technology, such as mobile assisted selling and self-service kiosks, to improve the customer...

The many faces of the connected customer

Businesses may be overlooking connected customers’ situational demands, as shoppers’ purchasing behaviours shift depending on the item they are buying, a new report by...

Retailers must leverage eCommerce’s success to boost in-store experiences says Tryzens

Overall retail sales benefitted from a boost in the weather and price rises in June 2017 according to the British Retail Consortium (BRC) and...