
Historical luxury shopping destination Burlington Arcade located in Mayfair, announces that two of its existing tenants, Vilebrequin and Lalique, have taken on second boutiques within the landmark. Both brands join Manolo Blahnik and Michael Rose who also occupy two boutiques in Burlington Arcade, the latter now in their 39th year.

Vilebrequin, the French luxury brand specialising in swimwear and ready-to-wear clothing, has opened a second boutique of 1,163 sq ft dedicated to women and children, the brand’s first stand-alone store for this category mix, and this new space will offer customers an array of product and their latest collections.


Lalique, the iconic French crystal house, has unveiled a second boutique of 263.0 sq ft in the Arcade housing its first art gallery concept in the world. The Lalique Art Gallery will include their collaborations with Damien Hirst, Zaha Hadid, Terry Rodgers, Han Meilin and Nic Fiddian-Green. The James Turrell x Lalique collaboration, which includes two limited-edition perfume bottles, will be exhibited for the first time in the UK at the newly opened boutique.

These new shops follow recent openings from boutiques such as SWAINE, Lalage Beaumont, Maunder Watch Co, Opera Gallery, Begg x Co, Sermoneta Gloves, Lily Gabriella, 886 Jewellery – The Royal Mint and CARA Jewellers.

Burlington Arcade has established itself as a key force in London’s luxury retail scene, a must visit destination for every serious shopper. Commenting on these new openings, Trupti Shah – Commercial Director said: ‘The retail footprint expansion of two globally renowned brands is encouraging in today’s market. The new openings highlight customers do prefer an experience lead shopping environment for luxury purchases, over on-line retail. We pride ourselves on long-lasting relationships with our tenants, such as N.Peal that has been in Burlington Arcade for the past 88 years”

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