
Hackett London is a quintessentially British fashion brand best known for its unfaltering dedication to excellence in craftsmanship and attention to detail. The company was launched in 1983 when Jeremy Hackett opened a second-hand clothing store on Kings Road, Chelsea in London. He soon began creating his own line of clothing which combined traditional style with contemporary, fashionable cuts.

Hackett London has become an iconic British tailoring brand for the modern man and now has 1,000 outlets worldwide, including a bespoke tailoring store in London’s Savile Row. Today it is a part of global fashion group AWWG who asked Mood Media to help enhance its in-store atmosphere whilst retaining the essence of the brand’s British roots.

Hackett London

Audio authenticity

Name King’s Road, the venue for the first Hackett London store and the mind immediately conjures up images of fashion and a thriving music scene. The area has always been at the cutting edge of entertainment and so Mood Media created a sophisticated pop-based music program for the brand. This was felt the best way to represent the essence of Hackett London across all its stores consistently.

There would be no point to updating the Hackett London sound if the system it was played over was not similarly brought up to date. So, Mood Media’s audio experts have designed the latest high quality sound system to offer top quality performance from strategically installed speakers for all new Hackett London stores.

Digital content and signage

Sounding good was only half of the story, the other required Mood Media to navigate Hackett London stores and to uncover its full range through digital screens. These allow shoppers to take in the breadth of the brand’s offering in clothing and accessories, offering inspiration to find, and then complete, the right look.

The digital content and music programming can be controlled through Mood Harmony. This is Mood Media’s easy-to-use digital in-store platform that allows Mood’s music and content specialists to schedule any custom playlists and visual content at any Hackett London in the world at any time of the day.

Emphasising the importance of getting the in-store experience right in stores, Mood Media’s Charting In-Store Trends report found that more than four in five shoppers (84%), will return to a store that creates the right atmosphere. More than half also (Germany 61/%, US 57%) agree that the top contributor to the right ambience is music, whilst more than a quarter (26%) further revealed that in-store digital content plays a role in making them want to buy something and would also encourage more than one in five (21%) to stay in a store for longer.


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