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A pandemic-inspired digital signage solution, designed to help retailers of all sizes – from small independents to multi-national chains – to open and operate safely while also enhancing their communications with customers, has been awarded the highly prestigious and globally-recognised Digital Signage Technology of the Year Award for 2020. The range of PeopleCount queue management and safe social distancing...
The Christmas shopping and dining experience is one of the most memorable and cherished occasions in the calendar, and this year West End retailers and restaurateurs are coming together as part of #MyWestEnd to orchestrate a series of Traffic Free Saturdays in the lead up to Christmas. On ​Saturday 5t​h​, 12t​h ​and ​19t​h December ​Regent Street will be pedestrianised...
When it comes to the Black Friday sales, there are inevitably some winners and some losers. Brands across all sectors battle it out over the Black Friday weekend (including Cyber Monday) and it can all start to get a bit competitive with each business fighting for customers’ attention.  Black Friday is known for being the biggest sale weekend of the...
So, we are in Lockdown 2.0, and there is a looming sense that we are going to be in and out of some level of restriction for the foreseeable future. Amongst the many headaches this brings retailers, the lack of face to face contact with shoppers for those classed as ‘non-essential’ is a big one. Especially at a time...
Some grocery retailers faced recent criticism that they had unfairly benefited from rates relief, compared with non-essential retail stores that were forced to close during lockdown. While critics pointed out that grocers were able to stay open and make money, this narrative masks the fact that grocers and other essential retailers have racked up huge additional costs to cope...
The coronavirus pandemic has certainly taken its toll on retail this year and it is a long road back for those in this industry. The lockdowns have halted business for lengthy periods, but even when non-essential stores have been open there has been a great deal of anxiety amongst consumers which has stopped many from stepping foot in-store. Alleviating Anxiety...
Boomers, millennials, gen Z and now generation alpha. Each generation has a different relationship with social media, with some more native on it than others. But have you ever wondered how the next generation will use social media? PostBeyond has predicted how generation alpha will use social media, from their shopping habits, trusting peers online, to their screen time. You...
Following the opening of their world-first flagship store in London’s Soho, ‘RS No. 9 Carnaby’, the Rolling Stones have launched a brand-new, global ​e-commerce shop​ equipped with a ​360​° virtual experience​ so customers can shop inside the store from anywhere in the world. If you can’t get to the store in Carnaby Street London, then the virtual store is the...
Black Friday has undergone a significant transformation since its inception in 2010. First it was just about the discounts. Next it was about the instore experience, to get people out and shopping. Then, it was all about the online experience, with consumers hopping between online stores to find the best deals (and remaining stock). Now, in the age of...
When the world closed up shop in 2020, ecommerce shifted into a new gear. But how consumers shop online is set to change. In the shock of the pandemic’s early days, simply getting goods out of the door was a challenge in its own right. But with more consumers set to shop online, and brick-and-mortar footfall down in many...


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